You might have noticed that jet lag makes you a bit hungrier than usual. This is because when you travel through time zones and suffers from jet lag, the circadian rhythm of your body gets disturbed. As a result of that, the bacteria in your stomach get upset and when they get upset your whole body feels unhealthy and tired. In addition to the fatigue and exhaustion, jet lag can also disturb the system of digestion of your body and as a result you may experience an unusual hunger and even constipation because your body will not be able to digest the food properly. Since, jet lag can disturb the eating habits as well as digestive system of your body, so this goes to show that jet lag can even lead to weight gain.

Research has shown that people who have a disturbed schedule of day and night cycle due to jet lag and night shift jobs tend to have weaker digestion and they can gain weight more easily than a common man. According to doctors and researchers, these people can also experience complications in their metabolism system and have a greater chance of suffering from obesity. However, there are some easy and well tested steps to minimize the effects of jet lag and if you follow them then you can make sure that you stay healthy, fit and don’t gain weight.

First thing that you need to do is try to avoid traveling to different time zones frequently. Doctors and scientist also recommend that unless the nature of your job requires you to constantly travel to different time zones for the purpose of business meetings and work then you shouldn’t travel rapidly to different time zones.

jog run exercise workout_774_500You should try and limit these business trips to once in three months or to at least once a month because if you travel frequently, then it will have a very negative effect on your health and you might end up gaining a lot of weight.

For this purpose you should always take out time to exercise and go for walks on a regular basis. Whether you are in your home or in a different time zone, you always need to make sure that you get enough exercise to keep you metabolism healthy.

When you are traveling, you need to keep yourself hydrated and drink as much water as you can but in short intervals of time. You shouldn’t drink more than four ounces of water in an hour. Hydration will keep both your body and mind healthy and active. You should know that your body is composed of more than 60 percent water and the dry air of the plane cabin can cause dehydration which can worsen the effects of jet lag. Finally, you need to consider probiotic supplements as they can help you fight headaches and insomnia which are caused by jet lag. These supplements should be taken according to the instructions of the doctor and must only be used for a short time.

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