Sleep can simply be defined as a condition of unconsciousness that occurs after every twenty four hours and it is also a duration in which the brain and the body can rest and recover. Different people require different amount of sleep depending upon their diet, environment, lifestyle and personality. We tend to sleep less and less as we grow up. Newborn children usually sleep at least sixteen hours each and every day, whereas the adults sleep for 7 to 8 hours daily.

An internal clock is present inside us which regulates the amount of sleep we get depending upon the day and night cycles or the circadian rhythm. In the evening, our brain releases a hormone called melatonin which makes us feel sleepy. And as the sun rises, our brain releases such chemicals that help us stay awake. Sleep is a state of complete unconsciousness and can be disrupted in several different ways. Following are some common sleep disorders.

Common Sleep DisordersInsomnia is the most common sleeping disorder and it can be defined as a difficulty in going to sleep. This type of sleep disorder is most commonly found in grownups. Jet lag occurs if a person travels in various time zones due to which a disruption occurs in the clock present inside the body and our body can take a couple of days to properly function again. Narcolepsy on the other hand can be described as occasional sleepiness and severe tiredness during the time of day and it can also lead to uncontrolled napping.

Another condition is the movement disorder of the periodic limb which can be defined as a spasm in the leg muscles that can keep you up. This type of disorder is quite common in the elderly and middle aged men and women.

Common Sleep DisordersRestless legs are also very common and can simply be explained as a pain in the lower leg muscles. This makes it very hard for a person to fall asleep. Snoring is another sleep disorder that is a result of a narrow nose and throat. It commonly occurs in men.

Although benign snoring can be harmless, but it usually indicates the existence of a much serious medical condition called obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep starts can be defined as the falling sensation that usually occurs right at the time you go to sleep.

Sleep apnea occurs as a result of the upper airway getting blocked which can disrupt the airflow due to which breathing stops a few times when you are sleeping. Sleepwalking is another disorder that usually affects children. Whereas REM is a sleep disorder in which a person acts out what is happening inside their dreams and this leads to violent kicking and punching. Most of the sleep disorders like sleep starts, sleepwalking and snoring do not require any kind of treatment as they are completely harmless. Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder which can easily be treated by the help of a doctor or a clinic for sleep disorder.

If you are suffering from any of these disorders then it is best to seek medical assistance.

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